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Title: 50-Year-Old Halle Berry Is Photo’d Out MAKEUP FREE . . . And SLOPPY DRUNK . . . And She Stiill Looks Better Than 99% Of The Women On The PLANET!!
Author: Unknown
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January 10, 2017 : Halle Berry was put last night with her GFs in Hollywood. The 50-year-old beauty looked a little WORSE THE WEAR after...
: Halle Berry was put last night with her GFs in Hollywood. The 50-year-old beauty looked a little WORSE THE WEAR after spending hours drinking at the popular restaurant/bar Serafina. But a little WORSE THE WEAR for Halle – is a GREAT DAY for everyone else on the planet. Despite being 50, drunk and without makeup she still SLAYED!!!
Here is the first pic of Halle
Here is the second pic of Halle
Halle just legally ended her marriage to her last husband, Olivier Martinez, right before the New Year, for financial reasons.


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