Unknown Unknown Author
Title: RACIST TRUMP SUPPORTER Confesses Online . . . ‘I Hate Black People . .. But I Love My BLACK WIFE’!! (Read His FULL Explanation)
Author: Unknown
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January 18, 2017 : A self-proclaimed white supremacist and racist went on the website Reddit yesterday (MLK Day) and explained a dilemma t...
: A self-proclaimed white supremacist and racist went on the website Reddit yesterday (MLK Day) and explained a dilemma that he was hating. He HATES Black people, but he’s married to a Black woman whom he loves.
Read his confession:
I want to tell you something and I think my situation is actually quite common. I am a white man who is married to a black woman. I still generally dislike other blacks and before I met her I was a border line kkk member. I think many people are like me in that they may hate most blacks but have a best friend who is black or even be married to a black woman.
I love my wife. I need her, I want her, I feel very comfortable around her, I feel with her I can be myself, she makes me laugh, I desire her intensely and no other woman can compare next to her. Simply put I love her. I will beat the living crap out of anyone who says anything to my wife. I don’t have a problem going to jail for breaking someone’s nose and teeth if they dare call my wife the N word. If the guy is bigger than me I will take knife and stab the mofo until he looks like the bark of the paper birch.
Now with that being said. I generally don’t like blacks. I know this dichotomy is strange to many people but when you think it through it’s not strange at all. I think most blacks are low level beings, borderline monkeys actually, I don’t think they have a desire to learn or improve themselves. They have degenerate values that FEELS normal in their culture. I mostly hide my feelings from my wife because I don’t want to hurt her but this is how I honestly feel.
Confession 2
When I first meet my wife the first thought was yuck a dirty black monkey. But than I heard her voice, there was something in her voice that made my heart stop. We made eye contact and right away I felt a connection. At that point I saw her as a person and what she looked like didn’t bother me anymore. I couldn’t believe it myself. I told myself this was nothing more than a fetish. I wanted to indulge in bestiality and try some black p*ssy that’s all. If I just effed her than I’ll get her out of my system. So I asked her out and we starting dating. From the very beginning I felt so comfortable with her. I didn’t feel as if I had to put up a front or pretend. I could just be myself and I could tell she liked me too.
The first time she allowed me to make love to her was like heaven. I had never felt that sexual and emotional connection with any woman. Still at the back of my head I told myself she’s black. I can’t fall in love with a black woman. And so I started to distance myself from her. Still I couldn’t get her out of my head. I wanted her and the thought of any other man touching her drove me insane. And so I asked her to marry me and luckily for me she said yes. My whole family refused to attend the wedding. I didn’t care, I loved her and I wanted to make her mine.
We’ve been together for about 6 years now. We’ve had our ups and downs like any couple and you know what I’ve found out? Despite the fact that I am still generally racist we have never had a fight over race. I have never, never, never gotten upset with her because she was a black woman. It was always other stuff, stuff that other couples fought about.
Yes so I am a racist but for some strange reason I need her and I love her. I see her as different from other black people. I don’t see her race. I see her personality when I look at her. I see…….my wife, my companion, my love.


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